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British Sign Language Week Assembly

The Pupil Council had the opportunity to take part in a British Sign Language lesson as part of Sign Language Week 2024.


The aim of the Sign Language Week is to encourage people of all ages across the UK to take up the challenge of learning British Sign Language for themselves and finding out more about the language and culture of the Deaf, Deafblind and hard of hearing people for whom BSL is their first or preferred language.


The lesson provided them with the opportunity to learn BSL from a deaf teacher, improving their communication skills and confidence, and teaching them new ways to express emotions, whilst giving an appreciation of the diverse cultures of the UK. 


During the lesson they had an opportunity to sign the alphabet, some colours, animals and pets and many family member names.  It was good fun.  They also saw the importance of facial expression whilst signing. 


The pupil council then led our Year 4-7 End of Term 2 Assembly.  They spoke to them about Sign Language Week, the lesson they took part in and demonstrated signing some of the words they had learned.


They finished by reminding everyone about the importance of communication.  They also reminded us all that as a school community we should always think of others, be inclusive, be kind and treat others with respect – simply put, to treat others the same way we expect others to treat us!