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Eco-Team Celebrate Eco-Schools!


The Eco-Team had a very exciting day out on Thursday 5th March at Meadowbank Arena in Magherafelt.  They were invited along to the arena to celebrate the 20 Years Anniversary of Eco-schools. The Eco-team visited interactive exhibitions with exciting activities.  The children explored educational workshops and got lots of inspiration from visiting the topic zones.  The Eco-Team each received a goody bag and got to meet special guest ‘Frank Mitchell’ from UTV.  Frank said he was “very impressed with the children’s ideas and commitment to eco-awareness in their school”.  The children engaged in a number of challenging activities including attempting a’ Guinness World Record’ to sort recycled rubbish!  The Eco-team thoroughly enjoyed placing a copy of our school newsletter into a special time capsule designed by the Eco-Schools organisation to celebrate their 20 years Anniversary.  Well done Eco-team and we hope to see lots of great ideas brought back to our school for next term.