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Mr Grant (Chair of Governors) Visits Year 5

When Mrs Sheppard’s class arrived to school on Monday morning there was a mysterious box waiting for them. The children enjoyed guessing what might be inside… some children thought it might be new books for the class or thought tickets to a school trip. Someone even thought it might be a new hat for Mrs Sheppard. Even after the excitement of opening the box, the class were still left guessing. Most of the children were convinced what lay inside, was a mould made out of Weetabix!


Luckily the box came with a note explaining that Mr Grant (Chairperson of the Board of Governors) had come across an empty wasp’s nest in a roof space. He had carefully brought it to Primary 5 for their interest. The children enjoyed researching wasps and their nests, exploring the National Geographic website and some of the documentaries and time lapses of how wasps build their nest.


The children were so grateful.  They invited Mr Grant to come and hear all about what they had learnt and to thank him personally for a great morning of discovery learning.