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Art Work inspired by the story 'The Dot'

During Week 2 of Lockdown, some of the children attending the Key Worker/Vulnerable Scheme had the opportunity to work on the story ‘The Dot’.  ‘The Dot’ is a 2003 picture book written and illustrated by Peter H. Reynolds about a girl named Vashti who eventually discovers her artistic talent.


Vashti is a girl who says she cannot draw. Her teacher says a polar bear in a snow storm. When she tells her teacher, the teacher tells her "make a mark and see where it takes you." Vashti draws a dot on her paper, and her teacher then says "now sign it." The next week she is surprised to see her dot framed on display in the teacher's office. Seeing her dot, she says "I can make a better dot than that." She then starts drawing elaborate, colourful dots and realizes she is indeed an artist


This powerful story inspires self-confidence and creativity in children and reminds them that they can indeed be whatever they want to be. 


Have a look for yourself …… St Joseph’s has indeed some amazing and very creative artists!