Catholic Schools Week runs from Sunday 21st January until Saturday 27th January. The purpose of the week is to promote the contribution that Catholic schools make to our society.
The theme for Catholic Schools Week 2024 is: ‘Catholic Schools: Communities of Service’. Today our pupils gathered together in assembly to celebrate Catholic Schools Week and reflect on the theme of our school exemplifying communities of service: Service in Our Community of Friends; Service in Our School Community; Service in Our Family Community; Service in Our Local Community; and, Service in Our Faith Community
Our Year 1-3 assembly was led by Mr. McGrattan's Year 2 class and our Year 4-7 assembly was led by Mrs. Lawlor's Year 6 class.
At both assemblies the children delivered a lovely message which focused on how we can use the gifts of love and respect within our family, friends, school and parish communities to enable everyone to appreciate the many gifts and talents we enjoy. We were reminded that when we all achieve as individuals, we grow stronger collectively, therefore making the communities we serve more vibrant and ultimately more enjoyable places to work, learn and play.
Well done to all the boys and girls.
#catholicschoolsweek #communitiesofservice
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