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Easter Charity Campaign

We launched our Hope Mission Zambia Charity Campaign at the beginning of Lent with our Copper Coin Challenge.  Throughout Lent all classes were collecting 1p and 2p coins.  We have been amazed at the response with a fantanstic £672 being raised in coppers in only five weeks.  Congratulations to all the classes on such a sterling effort.  A special congratulations to Mrs Haughian/Ms O'Brien's Year 4 class and Mrs Matthew's Year 5 classes who were the highest collectors in the school and will be awarded with a class party supplied by Mr Traynor.


During Holy Week our charity campaign continued.  There were lots of activities organised to include Colouring Competitions, Bring a Toy Day, Nursery Easter Bonnet Parade, an Easter Bun Sale and Name the Duck - this year it was called 'Puddles' and was won by Dillon.  Our Year 7 pupils were amazing and organised a host of stalls making, decorating and selling a variety of products.  They were just amazing - fabulous creativity and entrepreneurial skills on display.  Total raised, a fabulous £705!


We look forward to announcing our final total when we return to school after the Easter Break.  Well done to all and thank you for your continued genorisity and support!