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Our Christmas Nursery Trail

The nursery children experienced the magic of Christmas  during their Nursery Trail. Three Wise Men greeted the children and their parents at the school entrance. The children received a gold coin and proceeded down the festive corridor lit with Christmas trees. They collected their unique decorations from the trees before joining Mrs. Claus for an interactive storytelling session. 


Their next stop was Santa’s kitchen. Santa’s two cooks needed JoJo the nursery bear to get dressed for some baking but he arrived dressed as a pirate and       mermaid instead. Finally, JoJo  got it right and appeared suitably dressed and ready to help the boys and girls decorate some delicious gingerbread baked by one of our very talented parents.


The trail moved into the courtyard where children had an opportunity to meet and dance with some Christmas characters. Thanks to the generosity of one of our parents who donated the sausages,  the children received a hotdog and drink     before having an opportunity to engage in some sensory play with Carla from    Sensory-at-home.


The children followed the trail  along the corridor all the way to Santa’s Grotto. The children enjoyed chatting to Santa and sharing their Christmas wishes. They received a book and  a selection box from Santa’s elves. (Thank you to The Friends of St. Joseph’s for purchasing the gifts for the children.)


The trail ended in the minor hall with some refreshments for parents, family and friends and sensory circuits for the children The trail’s success was the result of a massive team effort from the staff, children, parents and wider community of St. Joseph’s Primary School and Nursery Unit.


A big thank you to all who helped in any way. Your generous donations, behind the scenes preparations and ‘on the night’ performances all contributed to an evening of magic and wonder for the children.  A special shoutout to all the Nursery team for their fantastic efforts in planning and hosting this special Christmas event!