We are delighted to announce that we have been awarded the Primary Science Quality Mark (PSQM) thanks to the hard work of all our pupils and staff.
We would like to say a special, 'Thank you' to Mrs Downey, our World Around Us and Science Subject leader, for collating the evidence and providing the additional support needed for this award. Also a special well done to all our Science Ambassador representatives from each class who have worked so well along with Mrs Downey to promote the profile of Science within our school.
Today we celebrated this wonderful achievement with a presentation in our science courtyard attended by Mr Anthony Grant (Chairperson of our BOG) and Dr Aidan Hamill (Vice-Chair of our BOG). Following the presentation there were party celebrations for our science ambasaadors and light refreshment served for our visiting guests.
The Primary School Quality Mark programme ensures effective leadership of science, enables schools to work together to share good practice and is supported by professional development led by local experts.
It encourages teacher autonomy and innovation while at the same time offering a clear framework for development in science subject leadership, teaching and learning. Schools that achieve PSQM demonstrate commitment and expertise in science teaching and leadership. The Primary Science Quality Mark is led by the University of Hertfordshire, School of Education in collaboration with the Primary Science Teaching Trust.
Well done to all involved ..... a wonderful achievement for our school!
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