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  • Year 5 Award Winners at the ESB Science Blast!

    Fri 06 May 2022

    Mr Downey's Year 5 Class were involved in the EBS Science Blast competition this year and they loved having the chance to develop their scientific skills.


    As a class they decided on their own question to investigate.  They decided that they wanted to find out if some foods help you to concentrate better than others, with the hope that chocolate would be on that list!  They discussed and planned how they would investigate this question. They talked about the importance of fair testing and also talked about what worked well and what they would do differently the next time.


    Noel, our judge, had a meeting on Zoom with us after Easter and he really enjoyed finding out all that we had discovered and was very impressed with the work that we carried out.  It was great fun and they all have their certificates and plaque to display for all the work completed.

  • Pupil Council Visit Mr Traynor's Office

    Thu 05 May 2022

    The Pupil Council visited Mr Traynor today to discuss the topic of school bugdets.  Mr Traynor talked to the children about how a school budget is calculated and there was a general discussion as to what our school budget was used to fund.  In conclusion the children could see that our budget as it stands is not enough to provide us with every thing we need to keep our school functioning at its current level.  The Pupil Council have decided to promote this message and let others know it is vitally important to support all fundraising initiatives.  


    They will be visiting the classrooms in the lead up to The Friends of St. Joseph's Fun Run next Thursday 12th May to promote this event and to encourage as many as possible to raise much needed school funds for the school.

  • Erasmus goes Online

    Tue 03 May 2022

    As part of our Erasmus Project Miss Walsh's Year 7 classour has a Google Meet with L'escola Maristes Valldemia school in a town called Mataro, in Catalan, Spain.


    The children chatted to the boys and girls in Catalan in small groups. They asked questions and discussed their favourite things, their hobbies and what school life is like in both Ireland and Catalan! The children enjoying meeting the each other online and learning about another country! 


    As the next part of our Erasmus Project two of our teachers will travel to Mataro in June to visit Maristes Valldemia School.